I've got a few main projects I'm juggling right now. Doing it all at once has maybe not been the best approach because it means each thing takes longer to get finished, but eventually:
-more Sublo and Tangy Mustard episodes, as always!
-a Sublo making-of zine... or book?! (trying to keep it small and whittle it down but there's a lot of material)
-rough animation compilation+commentary for my old series Fester Fish
-a proper Sublo soundtrack release. most likely "vol. 1" which will be all the music from the first 2 seasons and tons of bonus tracks, demos, liner notes
-I also have about 90 minutes of weird original music. it's just random stuff I recorded for fun over the past few years, but I'm still trying to sequence+present it in an accessible way rather than dumping it all out in a big pile. probably a few albums or EPs. maybe I'll post a few of tracks here on Newgrounds again first, it's been a while since I put out any music...