I'm an animator from Toronto. I'm probably best known online for my indie series Sublo and Tangy Mustard, and my older cartoon Fester Fish. In my day job in the animation industry I've directed on Bojack Horseman, Tuca & Bertie, Triptank and more.
Age 35, Male
Los Angeles
Joined on 7/22/11
Is there a Deadline for this?
maybe about a month from now
Yoooo I’ll make somethin’.
@aalong64 Thank you!
I now know what I have to do
Also, what size does the image have to be?
amy size, it can just be the character over a blank BG and I'll combine them all in different ways depending on what I get! My exports are at 1920×1080 though if that helps
@Pyronator @aalong64 and the image itself hast to be in .fla format as well, right?
Def gonna grind out work to make time for this!!
What a great idea of making people participate so they can have a little place in the S&TM universe! I'm feeling some kind of this-episode-is-ambitious-and-it's-gonna-be-awesome vibes hahah Greatests of lucks with it!!! (and congrats for suceeding in the #unionizebojack movement, you guys always do an amazing work and deserved it!)
Yeah this is kind of an ambitious one! Probably about as complicated as episode 4 maybe but in a different way.
oh wow.. definitely sounds like a fun idea!
What's the deadline for this, yo?
About three weeks from now. No hard deadline but once I'm pretty much done everything else in the episode I'll post again to give people a few days' heads-up before I'm not able to accept anymore.
Keeewl I'll give it a shot!!
Ohh this is awesome! I'll definitely try to whip out something for this!
Which version of flash should I use? Just to make sure there are no compatibility issues. I have Animate CC and Flash 8.
Any version should be ok!
Super late question but do still images need to be submitted in .FLA format too?
only if they're made in Flash. If you make an image in, say, Photoshop, you don't have to import it into Flash-- I can do it.
Not sure if by July 29th you mean before or during, should be finished with mine to send sometime before the day is over!
oh it's ok, you have a few more days! finishing the rest of the episode is taking me longer than expected!
How did I miss this! :D Awesome initiative. Bout to see how this went...
Sorry, just read the title, will read the full thing now